I am passionate about identifying, prioritizing, and executing
scalable, high-impact, evidence-based projects.
RAND Corporation
Director of the Meselson Center (current)
RAND's Meselson Center is dedicated to reducing risks from biological threats and emerging technologies.
We provide in-depth, evidence-based analysis serving a wide range of influential policymakers, focused primarily on biosecurity and AI security.
Probably Good
Co-founder and President of the Board (current)
Probably Good provides people with evidence-based and expert-backed advice on how to maximize the positive impact of their career.
It provides a career guide, specific career profiles, and personalized one-on-one advising for those pursuing impactful careers.
Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters
Board member (current)
ALLFED is the leading organization globally preparing to support the global food supply in the event of a global catastrophe, including nuclear winter, massive crop failure, extreme pandemics, and more. We identify, pilot, and prepare resilient food alternatives, and help governments and communities implement these solutions.